1st Annual Nebraska All Women Primitive Rendzvous April 30-May 2, 2004 |
![]() Headquarters |
![]() Conference |
![]() Simplicity |
![]() Camp Dogs |
![]() Generations |
![]() Everybody |
Eight of us got together for the first all woman’s rendezvous in Nebraska. Calico Moons came from Cheyenne; Beth from Gordon, Patty from Denver, Karen and Emily from Alliance, Pat from Hayes Center but the happiest moment was when Teala Donker came down from Chadron. She said she wasn’t going to miss the first all woman’s rendezvous. The idea was to set up our own camp and learn from each other. Beth brought her inkle loom and we had a lesson. I’m hooked. Gotta have one. We all worked on a sash—what fun. Then the girls decided it should be given to me for hosting the party. I gave a lesson on beading. But I didn’t get much of a chance to work on my turtle rosette; we were just to busy. We were a talented bunch, each with a different talent. I had conned a flatlander friend into coming up and she was fascinated with the idea of baking bread in a Dutch oven. Karen came up with a neat breakfast dish with apples and eggs that was period correct. Beth showed us how to make char cloth and start a fire with flint and steel. One night we roasted marshmallows over the open fire. | The next night was time for smores. We had a potluck with some really good food. We were going to have a frying pan toss but most of us had sore arms from throwing the ball for Madeka. She is a 14-month-old Aussie and she kept all of us jumping. Hunter, my Cho. Lab, finally hide in the tent. The weather was not great with some showers and a little chilly. But we did great. We sat around then wood stove and told stories and became closer friends. Some nights the air was filled with the sound of flutes. For a few days we were in another time. I did come down with a cold I picked up at KN so Calico Moons fixed up her witch’s brew and kept me going. Don’t ask. Sunday came and time for each to go her own way. It didn’t take long for the hayfield to be back to a hayfield. With only good memories left behind. We all agreed to meet again next year. I will be able to have it the weekend after Mothers Day next year. I think the weather spooked some of the girls. Next year the weather might be better or maybe not. But we will do it again. Next year maybe we can make soap. Just a thought, Ladies.
Judy Clifton and Hunter |